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LOL. thanks 4 clearing that 4 me ydakh! i will look if our stores have this movie! but to answer your question, no i don't like khalnayak for madhuri's dance/song. lol. i liked it because of sunjay dutt. he did a PHENOMENAL job in that movie...his best work in my opinion. and i found the story 2 be very cool. plus u throw in madhuri and thats y khalnayak was my favorite bollywood movie.
but 'choli ke peechay' was a pakistani song?! are you serious?! this is news 2 me...!
Age: 125
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yup! and humaira arshad zindabad! lol. i cant wait 4 her next album. i swear man...the day it comes out....i'll be the first in line 2 get it at gerrard st. lol.
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janay do yaar ffm, kiya hogaya hai?! lol. vo itnee bhi maiee nahi hai. lol. she's not a day over 40. lol.
lekin lets not get into this. this is rude 2 saima or any lady. nobody should talk abt her or anyone's age. i'm sorry 2 have brought it up. lol. i was just saying tho, jitnee bhi old ho...she is older than all of us! we should respect her! hai ke nahi?!
and thanks sanam! better 2 talk abt saima than argue over india/pakistan relations, no?! lol. thank god 4 saima! JEEO SAIMA! lol. (j/k)
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jinaab, they sing both urdu and punjabi equally, i think! they have 2 make everyone happy. altho urdu market is big, punjabi market is also huge. lahore, lahore eh! but as far as abrar, humaira, fariha, jawad etc. go, they are originally from lahore and they live there now! they HAVE to sing punjabi FIRST! if someone is from islamabad or karachi, they have a right to sing urdu FIRST!
aur aap notice bhi karain...almost 95% of singers who make it BIG, their first hit song is punjabi. example:
abrar - billo de khaar humaira - gul sun dholna fariha - patang baaz jawad - o kendi eh sayaan mei teri fakhir - (i'm not sure of his first hit, but right now sub to sohniya is hot) hadiqa - boohay bariyan nusrat - must qalander and the list goes on! punjabi is NEEDED!!
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LOL. u see how me and t.o got so excited?! lol. we're so deprived here in canada as far as pakistani entertainment goes. lol. (j/k)
anyhow...t.o., if an all star lineup comes, then i'll bet its the ACC. cause i think the fact that the abrar concert sold out while in DIRECT competition with the bollywood awards on the same night, showed promoters toronto is hungry for a pakistani music masti show! so if abrar, humaira, janoon, and co. come, DEFINATELY it should be the acc.
if its only abrar again and two other people like usual...brampton sports and entertainment arena it is. lol. no offense to abrar!
Age: 125
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are you serious mr. nice guy?!?!?! canada will get super music masti 2?!?!?!
i hope its not abrar and co. again. he's aiight, and i could listen to him forever, but whoever comes with him has to be BIG. i'll go either way if they come, but i would like a monster big show! bring back humaira arshad and abrar along with fuzon. I'M SET!
Age: 125
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quote:Originally posted by TeenTracker
what idea
teen bhai, yehi idea, ke ricky sahib cnn pe announce karay ga, whenever he's being sarcastic. lol. that way we (especially me) won't get confused and gear up 4 an argument. lol.
Age: 125
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you're right paki lion. but i will say in ricky's defence (altho he doesn't need me of all people 2 defend him), he has not fought atleast in this topic. he's the smart one of the two. he actually WATCHED a palistani drama and then formed an opinion. this girl nishu, literally LOOKS for arguments in 99% of the topics in which she posts. u're right, we should ignore her if she continues this. but ricky's proven 2 be aiight lately. he's open minded. he even tried 2 watch chooriyan. lol. i give him mad props for that! and he gives pk credit for our dramas, no, ricky???
and nishu....nobody is talkin' bad abt india. if anyone does, we talk bad abT BOLLYWOOD. and even that's not talkin' bad...its debating, or critiquing! nobody here initiates anti-india talk. trust me. hopefully the anti-pakistan talk on your part ends here as well.
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i've heard of 'dhoop kinare' but i haven't watched. i will however. if its managed 2 rope u in, it must be good. lol. just curious tho..u sure this sudden change of heart ain't the weed talkin'?! lol. (j/k) i'm amazed at the difference 1 day has made, thats all. lol.
u're right..movies and dramas are two different things. thats what i was tryin to say all along yaar! in pk, drama's ARE encouraged and thats why we know how 2 make 'em, whereas movies are not backed up. go figure. anyhow, so i guess chooriyan's outta the question as a result. lol. ah well...
and this new drama you're getting, i've heard of that too. watch the newer ones tho! production values are MUCH MUCH MUCH better in most of 'em. but u're hookup seems 2 know his Sh**, so i guess making u watch 'tanhayian' is putting u on the right track! lol. lemme know how it is....
Age: 125
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woh woh woh!!! hold on.....the lollywood movie AAG KA DARYA is actually the same story as KHALNYAK?!?!!!!! khalnayak is my ALL TIME favorite indian movie (of the few i have actually watched)! if lollywood made one (b4 them)....i'm DEFINATELY watching. thanks ydakh and shaze.
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quote:Originally posted by shahrukh khan
shahrukh jee has seen the light! congrats! indeed chooriyan was excellent, despite its bad quality. music was kick ass.
to shaze: i have not seen zee tv recently. but i'll watch out for that movie (aag ka darya). if shaan's in it, it has my attention. baber is better as a villain, than as a hero. he was great in mendhi wale hath 2. and whose the heroine?
yaar, nadeem is not in our generation. lol. i don't know if i can watch a movie that old! but since u highly recommend it, i will see if our local video store has it, and if so, i'll watch!
Age: 125
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to be honest yaar, i have not seen this drama. but i watch the newer ones, and the most popular has to be 'landa bazaar.' highly, highly recommended not only by myself, but your fellow indians! superb quality and much more advanced in terms of updated camera and so on.
i'm glad u gave this one a 5star rating tho! coming from a tru movie guru, that MEANS something!
now i don't want to push my luck but if u watch all of chooriyan (the movie i recommended) u'll find its not that bad either. quality is Sh**, i know. but the movie was a hit 4 a reason. nonetheless i understand your frustration at the lack of quality, having been spoiled by all them bollywood movies! so if u don't watch, its cool. i will say tho, u'll notice in the other thread, someone watched it recnetly and he's seen the light. lol.
Age: 125
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u r right teen bhai. i have not heard noori yet. i will tho, soon. then i'll reconsider my take. but i have 2 say.....fuzon ko beat karna, BOHAT mushkil hai, in my opinion. they 2 are the future!
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lol. in that case its all good! but i gotta say...u were getting me all riled up and ready 4 a showdown, man! don't lead a brotha on like that! next time u gotta let me know in
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thank you ricky. straight up yaar, kudos 2 u 4 taking the initiative to watch and then form a realistic opinion. i admire u 4 that. so u see?! its all good. india/bollywood kicks ass when it comes 2 movies. but we pakistani's DO EXCEL at some things!
Age: 125
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ricky...i've told you b4, and i'll say it again: bollywood's aiight, no doubt. but you're telling US about ripoffs???? HAHAHAHA!!!!!
how easily we 4get the contributions pakistani musicians have made to bollywood, willingly AND indirectly. a little choreography here and there is no big deal. and IF the other movie is indeed a ripoff of a bollywood one, again, no big deal. bollywood's copied lollywood ideas too. lets not go there again.
Age: 125
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quote:Originally posted by ricky boy
[quote boom and oops are kool movies nfak and couldnt have been called anything else!!!!!!!!! buddha gujjar hahahahahah
yeeeeeeeeeah. okay. 'cool' movies, maybe. 'cool' names?? i think not. lol. and what abt 'biwi #1'??? HAHAHAHAH. just as dumb if not more, as 'buddha gujjar.'
and t.o, i have heard abt fire...moammar, reema and meera. i would like to see it 2.
how long do u think it takes to get movies on vcd, after they've finished in theatres??
Age: 125
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man, i want to see bhudda gujjar! saw one of the songs on cinemascope 5 months ago, and it looked good. i also heard it was a semi-hit. u think its out on vcd yet?